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Writer's pictureSally Sprange

Garden security – keeping your sanctuary safe

Outside space is precious, particularly so when it is your own private space.

In 2020, it was reported that one in eight households (12%) in Great Britain had no access to a private or a shared garden, so if you are lucky enough to have a space to relax, exercise, grow plants, fruit and vegetables, play games with your family or entertain your friends, you want to feel safe and not worry about the risk of someone entering what is your private oasis, no matter how big or small.

Your space may contain items of sentimental value or indeed items that you have worked hard to afford or it may contain a work space – something that is increasingly common post-Pandemic. Damage caused by trespassing or burglary does not just impact financially though; the emotional consequences, feeling a sense of intrusion and invasion of your privacy, can have just as much impact.

Some areas are more vulnerable than others to acts of trespassing or theft, and more often than not these are random and not pre-meditated, thus the consideration of looking after the perimeter of your personal space can be vital. Budget is also key – a comprehensive, expensive security package is not affordable for most people so cost-effective measures are a must.

DefendaStrip was included as part of the design scheme at RHS Hyde Hall in Essex last week (3 to 7 August 2022) for the Secured Garden, a crime prevention garden incorporating both physical security products and defensive planting to deter opportunistic trespassers and burglars, demonstrating that garden security needn’t be expensive or complicated. Some interesting discussions were had with visitors about what they felt is and isn’t legally permissible, particularly with perimeter protection.

Nowadays, with property owners more aware of occupiers liability, choosing an appropriate measure be a confusing prospect to face but steering away from fitting broken glass and upturned nails is a good place to start! DefendaStrip is designed to be a visual and physical deterrent but if a product is installed that is more severe than this then you run the risk of facing legal action if a trespasser is badly injured.

So, if you are thinking of installing measures like DefendaStrip to protect the perimeter of your property, we have a few pointers to make it that bit easier for you!

  • Always fit a good quality security product. DefendaStrip carries Secured by Design accreditation – it is the only product of its kind to be awarded this mark of police-preferred specification. All SBD products are rigorously tested.

  • Whatever you fit must be visible and not deliberately hidden from view.

  • Installation height guidance is around 2 metres, but definitely not under 1.8 metres where someone could accidentally come into contact with the product.

  • We advise that appropriate warning signs should be fitted at regular intervals. This warns people that there is a product fitted, what the potential risk is and what the consequences are if they ignore that risk. Very important if you want to keep your liability as low as possible.

Still not sure and have further questions? Get in touch via our Contact Us page or seek advice from your local Designing Out Crime Officer who can be found at

Finally, this brand new guide to protecting your garden, garage and outbuildings from Essex Police, in conjunction with RHS Hyde Hall and Secured by Design, is a great resource to understanding what options are available and is full of security tips to help keep your precious space safe...


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